地学前沿 | 研究表明,捕虾将带来更多二氧化碳?
总的来说,在捕捞产生的二氧化碳中,甲壳类动物占据了22%,尽管其捕获量仅占到渔业捕捞总量的6%。考虑到燃料价格自2008年起一直在下降,科学家预测这一趋势将持续下去。不过,龙虾和在野外捕获的小虾的碳强度比大多数牛羊小。因此,海鲜仍然打败了牛排。研究人员还介绍说,迄今为止,对气候最友好的海鲜是小型远洋鱼类,比如沙丁鱼、鲱鱼和凤尾鱼。(来源:科学网 徐徐)
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Fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions of world fisheries
Robert W. R. Parker, Julia L. Blanchard, Caleb Gardner, Bridget S. Green, Klaas Hartmann, Peter H. Tyedmers & Reg A. Watson
Food production is responsible for a quarter of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally. Marine fisheries are typically excluded from global assessments of GHGs or are generalized based on a limited number of case studies. Here we quantify fuel inputs and GHG emissions for the global fishing fleet from 1990–2011 and compare emissions from fisheries to those from agriculture and livestock production. We estimate that fisheries consumed 40 billion litres of fuel in 2011 and generated a total of 179 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent GHGs (4% of global food production). Emissions from the global fishing industry grew by 28% between 1990 and 2011, with little coinciding increase in production (average emissions per tonne landed grew by 21%). Growth in emissions was driven primarily by increased harvests from fuel-intensive crustacean fisheries. The environmental benefit of low-carbon fisheries could be further realized if a greater proportion of landings were directed to human consumption rather than industrial uses.
资料来源:科学网 & Nature Climate Change 官网
本期编辑:王丽佳 李咪 张英男 彭玏
审核:任宇飞 王冠